Bucharest, Romania. The not-too-distant future, but an entirely different city. The human population is dwindling. The vampire populati on, meanwhile, is exploding. Having emerged from the shadows a decade earlier, vampires now walk openly amongst the human population, as a precarious peace exists between the two. A peace made possible by the introduction of a synthetic blood substitute, dispensed by the Romanian government, making traditional vampire feeding, and preying on humans, no longer necessary. But even so, it's not a peace that everyone is entirely comfortable with...
Syfy电视电影《嗜血狂魔》(True Bloodthirst),吸血鬼和人类在未来世界中“和平共存”——虽然双方仍旧矛盾重重。如今,一种新型超级吸血鬼开始同时攻击传统吸血鬼和人类,让双方都感到了生存危机,人类和吸血鬼不得不联起手来对付这种邪恶的巨型吸血蝙蝠。Andrew Lee Potts和Neil Jackson主演该片。(中文翻译转自天涯小筑)《真实嗜血/嗜血狂魔》真实嗜血嗜血狂魔是一部由实力派演员安德鲁·李·波兹,Ben·Lambert,Neil·Jackson等人主演,由优秀导演Todor·Chapkanov辛苦拍摄的动作片电影,真实嗜血/嗜血狂魔于2012年在美国地区上映。喜欢茶杯狐电影真实嗜血/嗜血狂魔,请一定要分享和收藏起来我们的网址,方便下次再来观看真实嗜血/嗜血狂魔。